


  • 公司: 天津蓟县建虎砖机设备厂家地址、电话
  • 地址: 天津市蓟县开发区立交桥东3公里处
  • 联系: 郭鑫
  • 手机: 13032239787
  • 一键开店

天津蓟县建虎砖机位于天津市蓟县开发区立交桥东三公里处,坐落于天津市蓟县开发区---京、津、唐中心三角地带,紧邻102国道,地理位置优越,交通便利。我公司录属天津建丰集团,基于集团精湛的技术和丰富的生产经验,现已快速发展成为集设备研发、生产、销售服务于一体的高新技术企业。目前,公司主营两大业务:一、制砖机的研发、生产及销售;二、加气混凝土砌块生产线。拥有技术工程师十余人,生产员工300余人,公司下设有采购部、生产部、质检部、技术部、销售部、售后服务部、财务部、行政部等。经过数年不懈努力,公司已自主研发出JH-QT5-15、JH-QT6-15、JH-QT9-15、JH-QT10-15等全自动制砖机设备,L2000型全自动砌块成型生产线及数款加气混凝土砌块生产线。设备出口到日本、阿尔巴尼亚、蒙古、马来西亚、哈萨克斯坦、伊朗、科威特、阿富汗、孟加拉、西班牙、吉布提、马里、索马里等多个国家,与非洲以及印度等国家建立长期友好合作的关系,并在安哥拉建立分厂,以进一步扩大国际市场。公司坚持以质量求生存,以信誉求发展的原则,为客户提供高质、的设备,终身提供免费的技术指导;为确保投资者的利益,公司设立了专门的策划机构,免费为客户进行市场策划和销售策划,低风险投资保障客户的成功。我们始终坚持以诚信发展,让客户盈利的经营理念,实现了从制造到创造的转变。我们始终坚持团结协作、诚实守信、创新发展、追求的企业精神,拥有一支素质高、业务精的员工队伍。我们始终坚持以严格管理、持续改进、优质为企业的质量方针,使产品能够满足客户的不同需求。迅速反应,积极应对,马上行动,热情是我们的企业作风。让客户盈利,就是我们设计制造水平提高与发展的推动力。公司真诚与广大投资者携手共创美好的未来! Tianjin Qiming Environmental Protection Equipment Co., LTD. Which is subordinate to Tianjin Jianfeng Group was established in 2010. It is located in Tianjin Jixian Development Zone close to National Road 102 which is the center region of Beijing, Tianjin and Tangshan, with the favorable geographical location and convenient transportation. Based on advanced techniques and rich production experience, our company has developed to a high-tech enterprise which owns about 10 technical engineers and 300 workers.At present, our company mainly deals in the R&D, production and sales of the brick-making machines and the aerated block production line. There are Purchasing Department, Production Department, QC Department, Technical Department, Marketing Department, Service Department, Financial Department and Executive Department in the company. After several years of unremitting efforts, the company has independently developed a series of fully automatic brick machine equipment including JH-QT5-15, JH-QT6-15, JH-QT9-15, JH-QT10-15, and L2000 automatic block production line and several aerated concrete block production lines. The equipments have been exported to Japan, Albania, Mongolia, Malaysia, Kazakhstan, Iran, Kuwait, Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Spain, Djibouti, Mali, Somalia and other countries. Besides, the company has also established long-term friendly and cooperative relations with Africa and India and other countries. To further expand the international market, we also established branch office in Angola. Adhering to quality and credit as the key principle to survival and development, our company provides customers with high quality, high efficiency equipment and lifelong free technical guidance. Besides our company establishes a special planning department providing free sales and marketing plan for our customers, which lower the investment risk and guarantee the interests of the investors. We always adhere to operation idea of integrity and mutual benefit, the enterprise spirit of cooperation, honesty, innovation and pursuit of excellence and business style of rapid reaction, immediate action and high enthusiasm to make our products could satisfy different kinds of clients. Customers profit is the motivation to improve our companys design and manufacture ability. We sincerely hope to create a better future with you, the investors



  • 主营: 水泥砖机,砖机配件,砖机模具
  • 地址: 天津市蓟县开发区立交桥东3公里处
  • 联系: 郭鑫
  • 手机: 13032239787
  • 本站共被浏览过 6472 次

